Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Splashing in living water!

"If anyone believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out from that persons heart" John 7:38
It seams to me that if God wants you to do something or to find or remember something he will find a way for that to happen. You can try to avoid it but it will find its way again and again.
On a resent visit to WI I was challenged to find my middle name again. To find my joy, in all things. And to not let stress or worry bring me down. Then I was challenged recently to find a bit of that 'old Britney' the one that I was before I became a adult who thought the world wouldn't run if I didn't worry about it. To return to a little more of that child like faith. The one that doesn't wonder why or if but simply believes that he has a plan though everything.  And then in Church on Sunday my pastor challenged us all to be thankful and also read from 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
It seams that all I write about is remembering I am blessed, that God's plan is great and not to worry. Why is it that I need these constant reminders from God? Why do I need to hear "I love you" from my husband, my friends, or family, ALL THE TIME? How  quick I am to forget. What a silly silly girl I am. When I love you is said by the people who know me best and still want to spend time with me, it is meant. When the man who said "I do" makes I promise like that, he wont change his mind.  When God says he can give me eternal water and I will never thirst again why do I still struggle to draw my own water?
 "Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”  “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,  but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” " John 4
In my quest to find what God keeps throwing at me I began to read my Max Lucado "Grace for the Moment" daily devotional. Each day God has been reminding me to let go and let God. Today's verse summed up what I have been needing to hear.
"If anyone believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out from that persons heart" John 7:38
Max writes, "Do you need regular sips from God's reservoir? I do. In countless situations-stressful meetings, dull days, long drives, demanding trips-and many times a day I step to the underground spring of God. ..Drink with me from his bottomless well. You don't have to live with a dehydrated heart. "
This has been an awesome week of blessings. So much so that I just had to share. I saw a post a few weeks ago that said something like 'What if you only had tomorrow what you thanked God for today?' 
And so here is just part of the list of blessings I am thanking God for this week:
  • The ability to forgive a hurt that I had been harboring. And to admit that I was wrong to hold on to it. (How good it feels to let it go, literally I think that a weight lifted from my shoulders on that one!)
  • Strength to let go and know that God has a plan.
  • Lunch dates with two different amazing women that God brought into my life and encouraged me with this week.
  • A husband who is my best friend.
  • The song "It is well with my soul" "When peace like a river attendith my way, when sorrows like sea billows roar whatever my lot thou has taught me to say it is well with my soul. " What peace can be brought into my life from remembering that he has my soul in his hands and nothing can touch that.
  • My family in WI who are always there to listen to my stories (or lack or stories and are still willing to talk about nothing just to make me feel included in their lives still.)
  • A church that I believe that God hand picked for us to be in!
  • A better knowledge of who I am and what I want and what I can do. Confidence is a beautiful thing. :)
  • A great walk today to see one of the most beautiful sights of the ocean I could have imagined. How great is our God to create something like that.
  • Getting to walk on beautiful green grass with my shoes off for a while today! (Midwest people don't laugh, that is hard to come by out here)
  • A friend who I could share something with that has been on my heart for a long time. Thank You God for answering my prayers for someone to understand.
  • The FREE Kindle App for my PC so I can get free books from Amazon. :) (Really if you haven't found this you should!)
  • Mostly I am just thankful for God's many blessings on our home, our life, and our marriage. It has been a great week and it is only Wednesday!
So until I post again....remember to keep splashing in the living water! It is so refreshing!

1 comment:

  1. Brit, I love this. I am so blessed by your words right now.
