Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here In The Aftermath

Don’t you just love how God works? How he strings together different experience that would seem unconnected and in the end all of them wrap up together? I shared earlier this week a blog about the disease called perfection. (if you didn’t get to see it then look it up here-The disease called perfection ) I was humbled and struck by the way that this man truly hit on all sorts of issues that we all face daily and was reminded again that there is such freedom in not only being real with those around us but that we can come openly and freely to God with all of our lives. I was struck by that, but it didn’t hit home. I had the honor of attending a Hillsong United concert with my sister Liz last night. That is where I was brought to my knees with the realization of how much I had been withholding from God.  There is a new Hillsong United song that that is titled Aftermath. (It is the name of their new CD actually, you can hear the song here- Aftermath 
The skies lay low where You are
On the earth You rest Your feet
Yet the hands that cradle the stars
Are the hands that bled for me
In a moment of glorious surrender
You were broken for all the world to see
Lifted out of the ashes
I am found in the aftermath”
The LORD, God, creator of the universe, was broken for me, now because of that, all of the struggles, pain, hurt, and worry that I had been carrying around can be gone, left behind because God has lifted me out of the ashes of this life and now I am found in the aftermath. The lead singer compared it to the destruction after the recent tornados in MO. When all that is around me may seem to be destroyed or simply edging on beyond repair, he is there to reach down and pick me up from the rubble. We do not have to live in the aftermath of this life because of his love in creating a way for us. It hurts when God confronts you. It is not easy to stand up and face him when he reminds you of all you have done and of how easily you dismissed his promises as being for someone else. And yet through being broken he speaks to me over and over again, reminding me of his love for me. Of his forgiveness that is given so freely despite how many times I show him through my actions that I want what this world offers more than his love for me. I had been hurt by others, yet instead of showing his love and grace, I showed my anger and pain to them instead. How can it be that I except his love and forgiveness for me and yet cannot extend it to others?
And so I offer this conclusion that I have reached. To those both in the past and present that I have held grudges against and have not forgiven, I am sorry.  To those who I have failed to love, know today the love that I hold for you and more so even the love the Jesus holds for you. I pray today that he might show me how to love how he loves so that my failures may in no way distract from his mercy and grace. May he find us all, here in the aftermath of not only the ruin of this world, but more so that we may find ourselves in the aftermath of his love.  For we do not find our self their alone, for there is hope in the aftermath that can only be found in him!
John 16:33 ”I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”